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Wednesday 3 March 2010

Faster meta-programs using gcc 4.5 and C++0x

One of the practical issues with C++ meta-programming is its speed. C++ programs that use heavy meta-programming can be notoriously slow to compile on contemporary compilers. Things are changing, however. Check the following comparison of gcc 4.5 against gcc 4.4.3.
The first graph is obtained from a program that creates a binary tree of template instantiations. The x-axis shows the number of instantiations when value of N goes from 8 to 17. I could not build up patience for gcc 4.4.3 beyond 16363 instantiations (N=13). On the other hand, gcc 4.5 does pretty good and its increase in compilation time is indeed linear as mentioned here. Here is the program that creates a binary tree of template instantiations.
template <int Depth, int A, typename B>
struct Binary
enum { value = 1 +
Binary<depth-1, 0, Binary>::value +
Binary<depth-1, 1, Binary>::value };

template<int a, typename B>
struct Binary<0, A, B>
enum { value = 1 };

int main(void)
static const int N = 10;
const int instantiations = Binary<N,0,int>::value;
The second graph is obtained from a program that finds an intersection of two MPL vectors. Again gcc 4.5 shows linear increase in compilation time as opposed to gcc 4.4.3. Here is the intersection program.
template <class V1, class V2>
struct Intersection
typedef typename
boost::mpl::contains<V2, boost::mpl::placeholders::_1> >::type type;
While all that is already exciting, it fades in comparison to the performance of variadic templates in C++0x. The green line in the second graph shows negligible effect on performance with the increasing number of template parameters. Here is my intersection metaprogram using variadic templates.
struct null_type {};
template <typename... Arg> struct vector {};

template <typename V> struct front;
template <typename V> struct pop_front;

template <typename Head, typename... Tail>
struct front <vector <Head, Tail...> >
typedef Head type;

template <>
struct front <vector <> >
typedef null_type type;

template <typename Head, typename... Tail>
struct pop_front <vector <Head, Tail...> >
typedef vector<Tail...> type;

template <>
struct pop_front <vector <> >
typedef vector<> type;

template <typename Vector, typename T> struct push_back;

template <typename T, typename... Args>
struct push_back < vector<Args...>, T>
typedef vector<Args..., T> type;

template <typename Vector> struct size;

template <typename... Args>
struct size <vector <Args...> >
typedef size type;
enum { value = sizeof...(Args) };

template <typename Vector, typename What> struct contains;

template <typename What, typename Head, typename... Tail>
struct contains < vector<Head, Tail...>, What> :
std::conditional < std::is_same<Head, What>::value,
contains < vector<Tail...>, What> >::type
typedef contains type;

template <typename What>
struct contains <vector<>, What>
typedef contains type;
enum { value = 0 };

template <class V1, class V2>
struct Intersection;

template <class V1, class V2, unsigned int N>
struct Intersection_impl
typedef typename front<V2>::type Head;
typedef typename pop_front<V2>::type Tail;
typedef typename Intersection<V1, Tail>::type I;

typedef typename
std::conditional<contains<V1, Head>::value,
typename push_back<I, Head>::type,
I >::type type;

template <class V1, class V2>
struct Intersection_impl <V1, V2, 0>
typedef vector<> type;

template <class V1, class V2>
struct Intersection
typedef typename Intersection_impl<V1, V2,
size<V1>::value * size<V2>::value>::type type;

So long story short, seems like better days are ahead for C++ meta-programming!


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